Look Again campaign 2018: Heatstroke Safety
Sharing is caring!
by: Anna Wright, Safe Kids Intern
Did you know that if it is 80 degrees or higher in a car, the heat can rise by 19 degrees in just 10 minutes? This means that the car is now almost 100 degrees and clearly is not safe for an individual to be left in this condition. Did you also know that a child’s body heat rises 3-4 times faster than adults?
The Safe Kids Georgia team was invited to the Georgia State Capitol on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 to listen to Commissioner Amy M. Jacobs, Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal speak about the Look Again campaign. The Look Again campaign started 5 years ago when a 2 year old died after she was left in the car by her caretaker. Governor Nathan Deal, First Lady Sandra Deal, and leaders of state agencies are raising awareness of the dangers of leaving children unattended in vehicles towards families and caregivers of children.
At the Look Again campaign, Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal discussed two situations when caretakers should not leave children unattended in vehicles. One should not leave children in a hot car or in a car with the keys in the ignition. If you see a kid alone in a car, you are urged to call 911 immediately. If the parent or caretaker happens to walk out, you can always call and cancel but it is best to not take any chances. The Look Again campaign shared their upcoming PSA to raise awareness on leaving children unattended in vehicles, especially with the summer months coming up:
We often think that we are just going to run into the house or grocery store to grab something but other things may come up. For example, your phone rings or you need to use the bathroom and soon enough it has gone from a quick run into the house to leaving the child alone in the car for 10-15 minutes. By then, it may be too late to act.
First Lady Sandra Deal left the audience with some tips on how to not leave children unattended in vehicles:
- Place a stuffed animal in the passenger seat to remind you that there are children in the backseat.
- Leave something important, such as a phone or briefcase next to the child’s car seat so you do not forget.
These are great tips that all parents and caretakers can take into consideration when supervising children. Officials hoped this event would raise awareness to never leave children unattended in vehicles and help prevent child heatstroke deaths this summer.
As First Lady Sandra Deal said, “Let’s think before we act”.
Learn more about the Look Again Campaign by clicking here.
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