Meet the Interns: Spring 2019
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Safe Kids Georgia would like to introduce you to our interns for the Spring of 2019. We are very excited to have them on board!

Maria Britez
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Epidemiology
I am originally from Paraguay, South America. I was a primary care physician working in a poor community in Paraguay. I came to the United States to obtain my Master’s Degree in Public Health with a focus in Epidemiology. Starting this journey I was interested in infectious disease but soon after Injury prevention caught my attention. I believe kids are the future, if you take care of the now
they you can prevent long term injuries in the future. Take the action now rather than later. From Safe Kid Georgia I want to gain more knowledge about rules and regulationswith in the employment environment regarding children and injury prevention.Interests: Working out, reading, and taking dance

Zoe Eberhardt
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Health Promotion, May 2019
I was born in Los Angles, California but raised in Roswell, Georgia. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Spelmen College in Atlanta, Georgia. I decided to work with Safe Kid Georgia because of their mission statement and a previous experience with Children’s. Working in the organization I want promote and create programs for behavioral health, prevent injuries in children alongside with preventing and educating children and young adults on sexual health, HIV, and AIDs. I knew I wanted to work with kid because of how much I enjoyed being a counselor at summer camp. Children are our future so it is best to make sure they are safe as possible.
Interests: Yoga, meditation, traveling, hiking, and trying new restaurants

Rebcah Horowitz
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Health Promotion and Certificate in Global Health, May 2019
I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I have a Bachelor’s in Biology from Jacksonville University. I first learned I wanted to work with kids when I was working as a substitute teacher and an after care provider. I chose Safe Kids Georgia because it will be a great start for me to learn more hands on about child safety. In the future, I want to work with children globally. It is a great opportunity that fit well with my long term goals as I get to work on major projects such as grant writing, sitting in on various meetings and working on several different projects. It will give be a better guidance on what I like the most. I do believe that it is important to take care of children because they will be doing the same for us later.
Interests: Ballet, Jazz, Baking a cake but not eating it, Traveling (24 countries and counting)

Shivani Patel
Senior, East Tennessee State University, Public Health w/ emphasis in Healthcare Administration and a minor in Marketing, May 2019
I am from Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am a Certified Nurse Assistant and a Pharmacy Technician. As a child I wanted to go into pediatrics. I am excited to be working with Safe Kids Georgia because it allows me to work with child safety and injury prevention. I do believe that injuries in children could be prevented. What we do now makes a huge difference on what the child’s life is going to be like. Through this organization and the different projects I will be able to figure out which area in healthcare I best fit in. Working hands on will also introduce me to new ways of learning and using the knowledge I have learned through the classroom environment.
Interests: Cooking and baking, dance (competitive and traditional), traveling, working out, running, and hanging out with my family
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