Saying Goodbye to Our Spring 2019 Interns!
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From the Spring 2019 Interns:
“Safe Kids offers a supportive environment filled with passionate individuals. We had a great experience as interns, gaining skills needed for our future endeavors. We wish all the future interns to enjoy their time with Safe Kids as we did!”
Check out more about us and our favorite parts of the summer below!

Maria Britez
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Epidemiology
Favorite Project: My favorite project I worked on was the data analysis by trends on Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta cases of Asphyxia, Burn and Poisoning. It was interesting to find the results of demographic influence on those cases in the population assisting both of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s hospitals. (Egleston and Scottish Rite).
Favorite Event: Injury Prevention Day at the Georgia Capitol. I enjoyed the way many different fields collaborated together to get a positive impact on preventing injuries at the state population. Read more about the experience here!
The Best Part: The best part about my internship process at Safe Kids Georgia is the teamwork and cooperative environment. It was a good experience to work in a project that I like, and also in partnership with other interns with the mentorship of great people.

Zoe Eberhardt
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Health Promotion, May 2019
Favorite Project: My favorite project was creating a Coalition Analysis, which allowed Safe Kids Georgia to analyze coalition growth from 2009-2019, and determine which lead agencies have been the most active.
Favorite Event: My favorite event was the Coalition Resource Meeting at the Honda Rider Education Center. I enjoyed this event because it gave me the opportunity to learn everything there is to know about ATV safety in a span of four hours. The event was very informational and it sparked my interest in ATVs! Read more about the experience here!
The Best Part: The best part of working at Safe Kids Georgia was the wonderful staff! Everyone was extremely supportive, and always willing to help me reach my full potential!

Rebecah Horowitz
2nd year MPH candidate, University of Georgia, Health Promotion and Certificate in Global Health, May 2019
Favorite Project: My favorite projects I worked on were community needs assessments and onboarding presentation where I collected and presented data on county’s fatal and non-fatal child injury statistics, population counts, ethnic demographics, and income.
Favorite Event: My favorite event I attended was a concussion conference. There I was able to listen to many wonder presenters telling personal stories and the latest knowledge on concussions while represented Safe Kids Georgia at our table. Read more about the experience here!
The Best Part: The best part of my experience was the atmosphere at Safe Kids Georgia and the knowledge I gained. The Safe Kids Georgia team was welcoming, caring, fun, helpful, and always there when we needed them. This will be an internship I will never forget.
Senior, East Tennessee State University, Public Health w/ emphasis in Healthcare Administration and a minor in Marketing, May 2019

Shivani Patel
Favorite Project: My favorite project I worked on was creating a brochure, blog post, tip sheets, and other informational visuals. I was able to challenge my creativity and think outside of the box to grasp the attention of others while educating them about various information. My favorite post to create was for Nation Burn Awareness Week. I learned that there are so many different burns but not all of them have the same level of severity or treatment.
Favorite Event: I have two favorite events that I was able to attend. The first one had to be Injury Prevention Day at the Capitol. I learned a lot that day about how to prevent trauma, what to do when you are in the situation, and how people have built up from their trauma. The second event I really enjoyed was ATV Safety Training / Coalition Resource Meeting. Before attending the meeting I had no clue what an ATV was. That day I learned a lot about what an ATV is, how to correctly ride one, and the dangers of what could happen if they are used incorrectly.
Read more about these experience here and here!
The Best Part: I truly enjoyed my time at Safe Kids Georgia as an Intern. I have learned so much from the amazing staff. The Safe Kids Georgia Staff and the other interns were always so supportive and helpful. They are some of the most kind-hearted people I have met. I hope to work with them in the future and continue to build a bond with them even after the internship.
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