As we wrap up the end of another great school year, we reflect with gratitude on the collaboration between the Georgia Department of Transportation and Texas A&M Transportation Institute. Teens in the Driver Seat® has developed a national reach of more than 1.3 million children. Safe Kids Georgia/Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta proudly serve as the state […]
Continue Reading →With families spending more time at home there is an increased risk of accidental poisoning among children. However, adolescents and adults are at risk as well for using a product in the wrong way, by the wrong person or in the wrong amount.
Here are a few tips and recommendations to help prevent accidental poisonings […]
Continue Reading →Safe Kids coalitions have jumped into action by providing virtual outreach, education and assistance to families in need during the pandemic. From safety videos to curbside helmet distribution to no-touch car seat education and assistance, Safe Kids coalitions continue to fill a vital need in the community. We are proud to share a […]
Continue Reading →Please join us as we say goodbye to our Spring 2020 Interns! This was a unique semester for them and required flexibility at a heightened level.
Rory Croawell
University of Georgia, Health Promotion, May 2020
Favorite Project: My favorite project of this semester was the 2019 Annual Report. The other interns and I got to work as a team to analyze […]
Continue Reading →Fall-related injuries are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in children in the United States. Did you know the risk of a child suffering a fall-related injury at home is twice that of a fall-related injury occurring at a childcare facility? Make sure you know the risks and how to prevent falls at home!
For […]
Continue Reading →Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving (Source: NHTSA). Therefore, it comes as no surprise […]
Continue Reading →With the first week in April being Window Safety Week, here are 4 tips to keep your children safe around windows while at home!
Properly install window guards to prevent unintentional window falls. For windows above the first floor, include an emergency release device in case of fire. Install Window Guards and Stops. Screens […]
Continue Reading →On March 10th, Safe Kids Savannah, led by the Dwaine & Cynthia Willet Children’s Hospital of Savannah hosted an awards event to recognize the students and staff of three local middle and high schools for their involvement with Teens in the Driver Seat®.
Among the schools that received recognition for their efforts were […]
Continue Reading →The Georgia Trauma Foundation and the Georgia Society of the American College of Surgeons hosted their annual meeting on Trauma Awareness Day at the Georgia Capitol on February 20th, 2020. The focus of the event was to showcase injury prevention efforts across the state, in addition to advocating for injury prevention with state legislators.
Safe […]
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