Since young children are still developing, they have thinner skin than adults, which can result in more serious injuries from a burn or scald. One of the ways young, curious kids learn about their surroundings is through their sense of touch. Sometimes their explorations can lead them to reach out and touch hot objects, resulting […]
Continue Reading →Unintentional burn injuries are a significant risk in households, particularly for children. They have thinner skin than adults, which can result in more serious injuries from a burn or scald. With this week being National Burn Awareness Week, here are 5 quick tips to keep you and your family safe!
Create a Kid-Free Zone Teach […]
Continue Reading →With Thanksgiving around the corner, cooking safety is of utmost importance and we’ve got just the right tips to help keep you and your children safe around the kitchen:
Avoid carrying or holding a child while cooking near the stove. Ask a visiting relative or family member to be the designated child wrangler and lead […]
Continue Reading →October is National Fire Prevention Month and we’ve got some fire safety tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe this season:
For the best protection, install smoke alarms on every level of your home and in every sleeping area. Be sure to check them each […]
On Wednesday, June 26, Safe Kids Georgia attended the 48th Annual Georgia Fire Safety Symposium held at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center. The symposium was a week-long event filled with educational classes related to ATV safety, fireworks and pyrotechnics training, and social media and public safety. Safe Kids Georgia had the opportunity to […]
Continue Reading →The 4th of July is full of fun traditions like parades, cookouts, baseball, and most importantly, fireworks!
While fireworks can be an exciting highlight of your family’s 4th of July, they can also be dangerous if not used properly. The safest way to enjoy fireworks as part of your holiday celebration is […]
Continue Reading →Grilling with family and friends is one of the most fun and sought out parts of the summer. However, grilling can also be dangerous if precautions are not taken
Continue Reading →Spring is in the Air, Let’s Get Ready!
Springtime is swiftly approaching and that means daylight savings time is coming up. Use this bi-annual time change to remind yourself to check your smoke alarms! To increase the chances of surviving a fire double check or change the batteries in smoke alarms. For the best protection, […]
Continue Reading →75% of the time burn injuries in children can be prevented!
Your Child’s Safety Starts with You. Take a look at these tips:
Never leave a child unattended in the kitchen. Place hot liquids and foods away from the edge. Turn the pot handles away from the outer edge of […]
Continue Reading →Tomorrow, October 13th, is Home Fire Drill Day. Take the time to go over a few quick things with your whole family that could save their lives.
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