Last week the Safe Kids Georgia team joined New Generations Child Development Center’s Daycare Health Fair to educate children and parents about home, bike, water, poisoning, and car seat safety. New Generations Child Development is a daycare center that serves families working for Saint Joseph’s Hospital, Emory Healthcare, or Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, […]
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Some Quick Definitions1
Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID): The death of an infant younger than 1 year of age that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. After a full investigation, these deaths may be diagnosed as suffocation, entrapment, infection, ingestion, metabolic diseases, cardiac arrhythmias, trauma, or SIDS. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): The sudden […]
Continue Reading →Leading pediatric hospital and design organizations come together to increase public awareness of child well-being and safety through an interactive children’s playroom design.
ATLANTA, GA- Two leaders in children’s health care, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and SafeKids Georgia, have joined forces with Southface and Rabaut Design Associates to increase awareness of child safety, health and […]
Continue Reading →Every parent wants their children to grow up healthy and strong in the place where they deserve to feel safest: in their own homes. Unfortunately, houses are not inherently danger-free for kids. Two of the three leading causes for emergency room visits, falls and poisonings, occur primarily in the home. But there’s great news too! […]
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