According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 3 million people – many under the age of 5 – swallow or have contact with a poisonous substance each year. Most poisonings happen when parents or caregivers are home but not paying attention. The most dangerous potential poisons are medicines, cleaning products, pesticides, furniture polish, […]
Continue Reading →With all the excitement around the upcoming Super Bowl LIII taking place in Atlanta in just a few days, what a perfect opportunity to huddle together and tackle TV tip-over prevention!
Take a look at a few TV Safety tips to consider in preparation for the game and festivities:
Secure your flat-panel TV. Be sure […]
Continue Reading →Take a look at these simple tips to create a safer sleeping environment for your baby.
Because most infant suffocation occurs in the sleeping environment, babies should always sleep in a safe crib, bassinet or pack-n-play.Lay your baby on his or her back for every sleep.We know that stuffed animals, bumpers and all those cute […]
Continue Reading →Holiday Decorating Hang breakable ornaments at top of the tree. This leaves room for kids to decorate the bottom with non-breakable items.Keep harmful plants out of reach. Some popular holiday plants are poisonous to children and pets, including mistletoe and holly berries. In a poison emergency, call the national Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.Be aware […]
Continue Reading →Toys and games are tons of fun for kids and adults. But they can also pose a danger to kids if you’re not careful. Thousands of children under the age of 15 years go to the emergency room each year for toy-related injuries. Whether your kids are working on a puzzle, playing with […]
Continue Reading →For most, the kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. From testing family recipes to decorating cakes and cookies, everyone enjoys being part of the preparations. So keeping fire safety top of mind in the kitchen during this joyous but hectic time is important, especially when there’s a lot of activity […]
Continue Reading →Tomorrow, October 13th, is Home Fire Drill Day. Take the time to go over a few quick things with your whole family that could save their lives.
Continue Reading →October 7 – 13 is Fire Prevention Week and there is no better time to go over these fire safety tips with the whole family!
Continue Reading →October is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month. What is SIDS and what can you do to reduce the risk?
Continue Reading →From the moment your baby starts to crawl, the world is a magical place filled with new adventures and discoveries. From a child’s perspective, everything is a potential mountain to climb (that giant bookshelf), obstacle to overcome (those pesky stairs) or mysterious place to investigate (anywhere beyond the safety gate). Little bumps will happen. In […]
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