Winter sporting can be fun, but make sure you know how to keep your kids safe while staying active!
The start of an exciting New Year has arrived and so has January’s winter weather. Winter sports, such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and sledding can be fun, but dangerous. Falls or crashes can cause cuts and […]
Continue Reading →May is the perfect time for enjoying the outdoors and bike riding with your family. Riding a bike is a great way to get kids outside and encourage them to stay active, but without precautions in place, it can be a cause of serious injury.
Did you know that every two minutes, a child […]
Continue Reading →Safe Kids Gainesville’s Safe Kids Week event at Fair Street Elementary. The theme was Water Safety “Super Heroes Don’t Float…but Life Jackets do!” and there were five different stations visited by all 2nd and 3rd graders: Poison Safety, Water Safety, Sports Safety, Fire Safety, and Safety on the Road. There were approximately 300 children in […]
Continue Reading →Safe Kids Georgia held an ATV Safety Training on April 7 in Macon, GA for Safe Kids coordinators. Safe Kids, with assistance from an Emory University intern, developed an ATV Safety Program using evidence-based materials created by Arkansas Children’s Hospital Injury Prevention Center, The National 4-H, and the ATV Safety Institute. Mike Klumpp, an ATV […]
Continue Reading →As hard as it is to believe with last week’s snow storm, spring is just around the corner. That means kids will be breaking free of the indoors for some much needed sunshine and fresh air. With the beginning of spring comes the start of soccer, softball, lacrosse and other sports seasons. Kids will also […]
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