Teens in the Driver Seat Workshops 2018
Please join Safe Kids Georgia in collaboration with Teens in the Driver’s Seat and Georgia Department of Transportation as we begin our 2018-19 teen driver safety programming. Learn more about this exciting initiative by participating in one of the two workshops that will be offered on August 13th & 14th.
Stacey Tisdale will once again be part of the festivities! She will be presenting a general program overview and discussing several changes for the 2018-2019 school year. We are encouraging ALL Safe Kids Georgia Coordinators to attend ONE workshop.
WEBINAR being held Monday, August 20th from 11 am – 1 pm
Follow this link to join: https://tti-tamu.webex.com/meet/stisdale
Lunch will be provided at both workshops and we will be giving away prizes to a few lucky attendees at each!
August 13th, 2018 – Columbus Workshop
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Piedmont Columbus Regional Conference Center
710 Center Street
Columbus, GA 31901
*Lunch provided
August 14th, 2018 – Augusta Workshop
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
3512 Wheeler Road, Augusta, Georgia 30909
On Wheeler Rd. turn onto Garner St. at South State Bank. SouthStar will be the second building on the left. Please park in the large lot on the right across from South Star. The training room is on the second floor.
*Lunch provided
Who should attend?
Safe Kids Coordinators, Community Partners, School Administrators
Contact Danna Thompson via email or 404-579-0497
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