Safe Kids Georgia and DECAL Child Care Services hosted a workshop Thursday, March 19, 2015 on fire safety education for Quality Rated programs and fire safety trainers. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Robert Cole, President of Fireproof Children. Dr. Cole is a national expert in fire safety education and Associate Professor at the University […]

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Keep your Kids Safe in the Kitchen

On February 13, 2015 By

Before you start whipping up some Valentine’s Day goodies, read through these cooking safety and burn prevention tips to protect yourself and your Valentines from burn injuries.

You can start practicing with a yummy Blondie Valentine’s recipe that we have posted below!


Childproof Your Electrical Outlets and Appliances

Keep appliance cords […]

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Along with most other Americans around this time of year, we Georgians are beginning to envision our upcoming Fourth of July adventures. Most of them will include sitting on blankets on top of towering parking garages with our families and friends, seeing kids running around with sparklers, laughter, and the smell of hot dogs and […]

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Safe Kids Gainesville’s Safe Kids Week event at Fair Street Elementary. The theme was Water Safety “Super Heroes Don’t Float…but Life Jackets do!” and there were five different stations visited by all 2nd and 3rd graders: Poison Safety, Water Safety, Sports Safety, Fire Safety, and Safety on the Road.  There were approximately 300 children in […]

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Keep Your Family Safe From Fire

On February 6, 2014 By

A lot of us have been feeling the wrath of cold weather recently, which makes it nearly impossible to spend time anywhere but indoors. This means keeping your home warm and cozy, which often increases the risks of a fire even if it is below freezing outside.

Safe Kids Worldwide reported that […]

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